The most profound phenomenon of our existence is this connection between ourselves and The Other Side. Our reality is an intricate collaboration between each person and the Universe. Help from Paradise shows up in unusual ways for everyone. The more our need from tragic circumstances, the more the likelihood of recognizing these divine gifts. Our guides and angels put people and situations in our lives so that we may learn life lessons of love and understanding. This is one mother’s journey of discovering this relationship with Heaven.
There is one paragraph in this memoir so significant to every reader that it is highlighted in bold script.
After her young son ascended, Louise Wright began a journey to comprehend life and death through spiritual visits and awakenings, a grief seminar and discernment with George Anderson, and monthly lessons with Mary Jo McCabe and The Guides. She began recognizing the help given from The Other Side. Her goal was to discover: Who are we? What are we? and Why are we?
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